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European zinc industry grand meeting to discuss development plan

2019-07-29 4179

In May 2017, Zhou Lin, general manager of Zhuzhou Chuanglin Alloy Co., Ltd., and Zhou Yexiang, deputy general manager, were invited to attend the first European Zinc Industry Conference of International Zinc Association (IZA).

Founded in 1990, the International Zinc Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to establishing exchanges among major smelting enterprises in the world zinc industry. At present, China's zinc smelters are facing a series of serious pressures and challenges, such as shortage of raw materials, increasing pressure on environmental protection, rising energy costs, rising labor costs and intensified market competition. The European International Zinc Conference mainly discussed the introduction of regional zinc smelting technology and market prospects in China, Europe, India and Latin America. At the meeting, the world famous smelting technology enterprises and smelting experts introduced and exchanged the progress of new technologies. Chuanglin will work closely with the International Zinc Association to promote the application and development of zinc technology.

Hunan Chuanglin New Material Technology Co., Ltd.

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