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Hunan Chuanglin New Material Technology Co., Ltd. team went to Taiwan and Vietnam to carry out technical service work

2023-05-17 4744

Recently, Hunan Chuanglin New Material management team went to Taiwan and Vietnam to carry out technical service work. They gave one-to-one technical guidance to customers at the work site, debugged the zinc pot, controlled the zinc layer thickness within the ideal range, further improved the appearance of the products, and brought the quality of customers' products to a new level, which was highly recognized by the customers.

Taiwan Photo

Vietnam photo

Hunan Chuanglin New Material Technology Co., Ltd.

Address:No.1 Chuanglin Road,Wantang Industrial Park,Lukou District,Zhuzhou Hunan Province Telephone:0731-27288889
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0731-27288889 0731-27288218 13307337885 18890221062

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