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The fourth session working meeting of the chairman of China Surface Engineering Association Hot Dip Plating Branch successfully concluded

2023-05-16 2101

On April 21, 2023, the fourth working meeting of the fourth chairman of the Hot Dip Branch of China Surface Engineering Association was held in Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, sponsored by the Hot Dip Branch of China Surface Engineering Association and hosted by Hunan Chuanglin New material Technology Co., Ltd.

A total of 23 representatives and guests attended the meeting, including Zhu Linlong, President of China Surface Engineering Association, Du Qingxin, Secretary General, Sun Guoqing, Deputy Secretary General, Yuan Chong, Jiangsu Guoqiang Galvanization Industry Co., Ltd, Ma Yongtao, Tianjin You Fa Steel Pipe Group Stock Co.,Ltd. and Han Shuang, Shanghai Changxing Metal Treatment Co., Ltd,.

Before the start of the meeting, the working group of the 4th chairman of China Surface Engineering Association Hot Dip Plating Branch visited Hunan Chuanglin New Material Technology Co., Ltd.


At the exchange forum, Zhou Lin, president of Hunan Chuanglin New Materials Co., Ltd, expressed a warm welcome to the working group and briefly introduced the company production situation, business scope and projects under construction. The working group expressed its full affirmation of the development and achievements of our company.


At 4:30 p.m., the fourth session of the fourth working meeting of the chairman of China Surface Engineering Association Hot Dip Plating Branch was officially started. Vice Chairman and Secretary General Du Qingxin presided over the meeting, Chairman Zhu Linlong made a summary of the work of the association in 2022 of the hot dip plating branch, he pointed out that the association should actively perform the functions of industry organizations, participate in the formulation and revision of relevant government industry documents, and provide the basis and specification for industry management. Strengthen the industry standardization construction, improve the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises, and continue to carry out industry research and subject research to help promote the development of the industry.


During the meeting, the vice-chairmen made their speeches, and our president Zhou Lin also expressed his views on hot issues in the hot dip galvanizing industry. He said he would actively perform the duties of the vice chairman of the association, carry forward the pragmatic and willing spirit, give full play to his role as a bridge and link, and contribute his effort to the hot dip galvanizing industry.

Hunan Chuanglin New Material Technology Co., Ltd.

Address:No.1 Chuanglin Road,Wantang Industrial Park,Lukou District,Zhuzhou Hunan Province Telephone:0731-27288889
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