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Hunan Chuanglin New Material Technology Co., Ltd. attends the 14th China Hot-Dip Galvanizing Conference

2023-05-15 1989

The 14th China Hot Dip Galvanizing Conference and Exhibition and China 2023 Strip Steel Coating Technology Development Forum was held in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province from April 9 to April 12. The conference was hosted by China Society of Corrosion and Protection, and Hunan Chuanglin New Material Technology Co., Ltd. participated in the conference as a co-organizer.


Conference Address

The conference attracted industry experts and business representatives from across the country to discuss the challenges and new opportunities facing the hot-dip galvanizing industry, with the aim of enhancing the development of the hot-dip galvanizing industry.


Conference Awards

During the conference, our booth also attracted a lot of industry professionals to consult. The sales team introduced the features of our products and their advantages with enthusiasm and patience.


During the exhibition, our company also exchanged and discussed with representatives of other enterprises, hoping to establish more in-depth contact and cooperation in business cooperation, technological innovation and market development.


Through this hot-dip galvanizing conference, Hunan Chuanglin New Material Technology Co., Ltd. has gained a deeper understanding of the industry development trend. In the future, we will continue to improve and innovate in the business field, service level and hot-dip galvanizing technology, optimize the production process and customize solutions according to the customer's needs and actual production situation, so as to maximize customer benefits. In the future, we will continue to specialize in the hot-dip galvanizing industry and promote the rapid development of the hot-dip galvanizing industry together with the China Society of Corrosion and Protection and our colleagues in the industry.


Hunan Chuanglin New Material Technology Co., Ltd.

Address:No.1 Chuanglin Road,Wantang Industrial Park,Lukou District,Zhuzhou Hunan Province Telephone:0731-27288889
Consultation Hotline

0731-27288889 0731-27288218 13307337885 18890221062

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