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Efficient disinfectant claljh

The product has strong degassing and inclusion removal ability, and can significantly reduce the degree of inclusions and pinholes in castings.

The product has strong degassing and inclusion removal ability, and can significantly reduce the degree of inclusions and pinholes in castings. The aluminium slag has good separation and slag cleaning property. In use, there are no toxic gases and obvious smoke, and no adverse effects on human body, equipment and environment.

It is suitable for melt refining of aluminium and aluminium alloys [except high magnesium aluminium alloys with sodium-free refining agents (blocks)].

Among them, more active ingredients were added to the high efficient refining agent on the basis of ordinary refining agent. The degassing refining agent contains a large number of effective components such as hexachloroethane, which strengthens the degassing effect of the product. The sodium-free refining agent (block) is suitable for the melt refining of high magnesium aluminum alloy.

Hunan Chuanglin New Material Technology Co., Ltd.

Address:No.1 Chuanglin Road,Wantang Industrial Park,Lukou District,Zhuzhou Hunan Province Telephone:0731-27288889
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0731-27288889 0731-27288218 13307337885 18890221062

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