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Aluminium slagging agent clald

This product has heating characteristics in use, fast slagging speed and easy slagging. It has excellent separation property of slag and aluminium, and can effectively separate aluminium from slag. The slag is not agglomerated and the aluminium content in slag is very small.

This product has heating characteristics in use, fast slagging speed and easy slagging. It has excellent separation property of slag and aluminium, and can effectively separate aluminium from slag. The slag is not agglomerated and the aluminium content in slag is very small. It can be used for removing surface slag of aluminium melt, cleaning slag and residual heat smelting slag. In use, there are no toxic gases and obvious smoke, and no adverse effects on human body, equipment and environment.

It is suitable for slag cleaning and waste heat stir-frying of aluminium and aluminium alloy melts.

Among them, the high-efficiency slagging agent added more active ingredients on the basis of ordinary slagging agent. When the temperature of aluminium slag is 650 ~ 680 C, the heating slag can still heat rapidly, raise the temperature of aluminium slag and promote the separation of aluminium slag and slag, which is especially suitable for stir-frying slag outside the furnace. Sodium-free slagging agent is suitable for slag-aluminium treatment of high magnesium aluminium alloy.

Hunan Chuanglin New Material Technology Co., Ltd.

Address:No.1 Chuanglin Road,Wantang Industrial Park,Lukou District,Zhuzhou Hunan Province Telephone:0731-27288889
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